• Welcome to the New Web Site

    This is a completely new website, with a brand-new structure. Everything will communicated through this site, mainly using this home page. Everything that I want to communicate with you will be on this homepage, which is just a continuous blog. This blog now contains everything that I have written from…

  • Repetition is Important When Learning Vectorworks

    Prior to running my Vectorworks courses online, I used to run them in a classroom. At the time it seemed like the best thing that I could do. I was aware at the time that repetition was important, and the way the courses were structured, it allowed time for the…

  • Icebreaker Breaks New Ground

    I was really pleased to see this case study about Icebreaker. Icebreaker has been a client of mine for some time, and so I was really pleasing to see Vectorworks do a case study about how they have implemented the training I have completed with them. The case study is…