• Architect_073 Architect Special Interest Group July 2015 (am)

    We looked at the Visibility tool, it is perfect for turning off the classes of unwanted information and it even works on classes of objects inside viewports (without entering the viewport). Holding down the V key will temporarily turn all the classes back on so you can see information that…

  • Landmark_SIG_070 Special Interest Group April (pm) 2015

    This session looked at Libraries (any type of library), their basic concepts, how to access, create, edit and where to store them (as since version 2015 there have been changes / improvements). It also showed how to add and edit categories in the Plant Database and how to create your…

  • Elevation Maker Updated to 2015

    A user has pointed out that Elevation Maker 2010 no longer works with Vectorworks 2015 SP3. That was a surprise to me and it turns out that they were right, and the error is because Vectorworks has changed some of its code, which required updating of my plug-in’s code. The Elevation Maker…

  • cadmovie1074 – Creating and Managing Libraries – Part 6

    Many of the Vectorworks tools have default content associated with them. Tools like Walls, Plants, Framing Member, etc. have a location in your User Folder to store the default content. If you save files in the correct location, you can make these tools easier to use. If you don’t, these tools will…

  • cadmovie1073 – Creating and Managing Libraries – Part 5

    There are several parts to your graphic library. We have already covered using classes for your line weights, colors and line styles. But there are other graphic things you can store in your library. Hatches, gradients and images each have their own folders for quick access from the Attributes Palette.

  • cadmovie1072 – Creating and Managing Libraries – Part 4

    Layer and class standards are part of developing your library. When you create symbols you will use specific classes. When you create other information on the drawings you will use layers and classes. It would be easier to have a set of layers and classes that you use in a…

  • cadmovie1071 – Creating and Managing Libraries – Part 3

    The structure for your Library should follow a structure that you can understand and use. For example, when I am drawing details I like to have a symbol folder with all my steel sections, another symbol folder with all my timber sections and a symbol folder with all the standard…

  • cadmovie1070 – Creating and Managing Libraries – Part 2

    If you are going to use a library, you have to create symbols. When you create a symbol, you have to think about how that symbol will be used because this will have a major impact on the insertion point you use for the symbol.

  • cadmovie1069 – Creating and Managing Libraries – Part 1

    In order for your library to work, you have to turn on the option to Display default content. You access this in the Vectorworks Preferences. Default Content is where Vectorworks looks into specific folders for content that will work with the tool or command that you are using.

  • SST_1407 – Creating and Managing Libraries

    Libraries seems to be the one area of Vectorworks the cause the most confusion. It seems that users are confused about their own Vectorworks library, where they should store parts of it, and where the best place to store all their information is. It is tempting to think that you…