• cadmovie825 – Referencing Image Files Part 3

    Referencing PDF Files. As with image files, PDF files can be drag-and-drop onto a Vectorworks drawing, or you can use the Import PDF… command. In either case when you import a PDF file, you have the choice of whether to import the file directly or whether to reference the file.

  • cadmovie815 – IFC in Detail – Part 6

    Importing IFC Files into Vectorworks. As well as exporting IFC Projects, you can can also import them into Vectorworks.

  • cadmovie803 – Rotated Plan View

    if you are working with consultants drawings, you might find that the orientation of the drawings does not suit the way that you want to create your information. The rotated Plan View  allows you to change your view to suit the orientation that you want to draw. This rotated view…

  • cadmovie802 – Dealing With Imported DXF/DWG

    When you import DXF/DWG files they often start on a sheet layer with viewports. In order to get more information you need to right-click on your viewport and choose design layer. This will show you the raw information that was used to create the drawing.

  • epodcast127 – Importing .mcd Files

    Importing .mcd files from the Internet.  Some websites offer you the opportunity to download .mcd files. These files are in an older format, but they are still Vectorworks files. When you import them Vectorworks will convert them to your current version.