• cadmovie416 – Annotation Part 16

    Interactive Dimensions. In Vectorworks 2010, we have to ability to edit the size of an object by editing the dimension. This only works if you use associative dimensions, so make sure you have read the section on associative dimensions.

  • cadmovie415 – Annotation Part 15

    Creating Your Own Dimension Standard. Creating your own dimension standard allows you set up a dimension standard that suits your company. You might like longer lines, heavier lines and so on.

  • cadmovie414 – Annotation Part 14

    Changing your Active Dimension Standard. If you are using Vectorworks 2009 or earlier, you have to use Document Preferences to change the active dimension standard.

  • cadmovie413 – Annotation Part 13

    Changing the Dimension Standard. VectorWorks comes with several built in standards to choose from.  In Vectorworks 2010, you can select the dimension standard from the Tool bar when you have any dimension tool active.